Drought Information
This is the website location for current financial documents the District is required to maintain.
Texas is no stranger to drought. The seven-year drought of record in the 1950s was a turning point in Texas history that led to the formation of the Texas Water Development Board. Since then, Texas has faced several droughts, including its most recent and severe drought, which began in the fall of 2010 and lasted through winter 2014/2015. This website brings together relevant resources, links, data, and analyses to provide updated information on drought in Texas.
Headwaters GCD Downgrades to Stage 3
Drought Index Maps
Download Headwaters GCD Drought Plan
General Drought Stage Guidelines
Drought Stages are initiated based on the average water level in selected monitor wells. The Palmer Drought Severity Index and Guadalupe River Flow at Kerrville will be considered when initiating these drought stages.
Exempt Well Owners are not restricted in terms of percentage reduction but are encouraged to apply the recommended watering practices and restrict non-essential water uses as listed in the District Drought Plan.
​The following four stages give recommended watering practices and list non-essential water uses. These recommended practices for Exempt and Permitted Well owners help achieve the water use reduction for each Drought Stage. Drought Stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 are described below.
Stage 1 - Mild Drought - 10% reduction in water use.
Water users are requested to limit the irrigation of landscaped areas including parks, athletic fields, and golf courses to the hours between 8:00 PM and 10 AM to reduce water losses due to evaporation.
Stage 2 - Moderate Drought - 20% reduction in water use.
Irrigation of landscaped areas including parks and golf courses should be limitedto the previously designated watering hours between 8:00 PM and 10:00 AM. Watering should be by means of hand-held hoses, hand-held buckets, or drip rrigation only. The use of automatic sprinkler systems and hose-end sprinklers should be prohibited at all times. Athletic fields should abide by the same watering hours; however, they are allowed the use of irrigation systems for watering.
Stage 3 - Severe Drought - 30% reduction in water use.
Irrigation of landscaped areas including parks and golf courses should be limited to the previously designated watering hours between 8:00 PM and 10:00 AM. Watering should be by means of hand-held hoses, hand-held buckets, or drip irrigation only. The use of automatic sprinkler systems and hose-end sprinklers should be prohibited at all times. Athletic fields should abide by the same watering hours; however, they are allowed the use of irrigation systems for watering.
Stage 4 - Extreme Drought - 40% reduction in water use.
Irrigation of landscaped areas including parks and golf courses should be limited to the previously designated watering hours between 8:00 PM and 10:00 AM. Watering should be by means of hand-held hoses, hand-held buckets, or drip irrigation only. The use of automatic sprinkler systems and hose-end sprinklers should be prohibited at all times. Athletic fields should abide by the same watering hours; however, they are allowed the use of irrigation systems for watering.
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